
Students hate impero console
Students hate impero console

do not launch in debugger", and this is designed so that the program is given a normal run as if used from command line and you can see what results it produces, and for convenience, it makes sense to stop the window in the end so you can inspect what the program output on the standard output, so the Visual Studio also does exactly that in "start without debugging.

students hate impero console

On the other hand, "start without debugging" in fact means "launch normally as if done by user from command prompt, i.e. you "start debugging" when you know you have problem and you have set a breakpoint and/or want to step through the code with F10/F11/Shift+F11. So "start debugging" in fact means "start in debugger", that means all your breakpoints will be honored etc., i.e. Note that these "with/without debugging" are totally unrelated to the "Debug" and "Release" configurations: the "start debugging / start without debugging" just decide whether you launch the program in debugger ("start debugging"), or from command prompt and wait before closing the console window until you press any key ("start without debugging"). The long answer is: do CTRL+F5 instead of F5 (the former "starts _without_ debugging", the latter launches "starts (_with_) debugging"). The short answer is: Debug -> Start without Debugging (works both in Debug and Release configurations), or hit CTRL+F5 (also works in both configurations).

Students hate impero console